Period: 01.01.2016 - 12.03.2025
Total number of records: 8250
Today, the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited members of the Serbian Armed Forces who are engaged in setting up beds and preparing a temporary hospital in Belgrades tark Arena, which is ...
The reconstruction of the existing and the construction of a part of the facility that will be a new hospital intended for patients with Covid 19, with a capacity of 70 beds, has begun today on the ...
This morning, at 6:30 am, the eleventh plane with medical and protective equipment landed at the Pukovnik-pilot Milenko Pavlović Airport in Batajnica which was flown from the Russian Federation to ...
The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and the Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, with associates, immediately after the plane landed at Pukovnik-pilot Milenko Pavlović Airport ...