Period: 01.01.2016 - 15.03.2025
Total number of records: 8253
In the presence of numerous citizens, in the town squares and streets in Kruevac, Zaječar, Pančevo, Novi Sad, Kraljevo and Ni, today, military ceremonies were organized on the occasion of the Serbian ...
- As far as I understand, he is banned from entering because of the statements he made. I would like and I wish it were not accidental. I wish it were not the case that someone in the European Union ...
After reception on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day, President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, in a press release, extrended ...
President of the Republic of Serbia and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić hosted a reception on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day, in the building of the ...
On the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day and 140 years of the existence of the Military Museum in that institution, a multimedia guide through a permanent museum setting intended for mobile ...