Period: 01.01.2016 - 06.03.2025
Category: News
Total number of records: 6349
- Since 2012, when Aleksandar Vučić became minister of defence until the present, more than 900 million dinars have been invested in the FAP, with more than 400 million being invested solely in the ...
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has met today with Major General Mark Bartman commander of the Ohio National Guard as part of the traditional visit of the commander of the Ohio National Guard to ...
Today, in the courtyard of the Church of Holy Archangels Mihajlo and Gavrilo in Deligrad, not far from Aleksinac, a commemoration was held of the 212th anniversary of the Battle of Deligrad which ...
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubia Diković met First Sergeant Dejan Stojiljković and his spouse Anka who had demonstrated ...
- The Serbs, no matter where they live, they are and must be one. It is imposed by our origin, our history, culture and civilisation. It is imposed by our need to fight for survival - defence ...