Period: 01.01.2016 - 12.03.2025
Category: News
Total number of records: 6356
We did not and will not allow the revision of history. We will not allow re-creating of the past to justify the events of the nineties in our country, nor agree that all victims are the same. We are ...
At the booth of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces at the Book Fair today, the book Pristina Corps 1998-1999 - Testimonies of War Commanders from the Ratnik edition has been ...
On the occasion of polemics in the part of the public about the publication of the Ratnik edition, we believe that the right question is why the truth about the heroic resistance of our army to NATO ...
Tonight, at the International HISPA Symposium at the Belgrade-based Crown Plaza Hotel, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin has received the plaque on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the ...
Today, at the booth of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces at the Book Fair, the book The Battle for Patrik - memories of the participants in 1999 has been presented, which is the ...