Defence system news
Period: 01.01.2016 - 15.03.2025
Category: Defence system news
Total number of records: 1356
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces participated in the multinational exercise Combined Resolve 16, which was conducted from 6 to 20 December at the Joint Multinational Readiness Centre in Hohenfels, ...
Intensive individual training for soldiers who started their voluntary service at the beginning of this month is underway in the Serbian Armed Forces training centres in Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac.
The international academic conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the anti-fascist struggle in the Second World War, hosted by the Union of War Veterans of the National Liberation Wars of ...
The Ministry of Defence and UN WOMEN Programme Office in Serbia carried out the second three day educational and informative session titled Gender equality in the sector of security which took place ...
This week, members of Serbian Armed Forces were trained in the Logistics Training Centre in Ni in providing first aid after industrial and chemical accidents.