Defence system news
Period: 01.01.2016 - 14.03.2025
Category: Defence system news
Total number of records: 1356
Tank Battalion of the First Army Brigade is currently conducting regular collective training for professional staff and soldiers on voluntary military service of armoured units arm on tanks M-84.
The Centre for Training and Advancement of Non-Commissioned Officers Narednik Milunka Savić currently carries out the second module of basic training for candidates for Air Force and Air Defence ...
The First Army Brigade units are conducting collective training for the soldiers of Air Defence artillery-missile who started their military service last year in September.
On the second day of Christmas, members of the Serbian Armed Forces engaged in the peacekeeping operation of the United Nations in Lebanon made a donation to an Orthodox Monastery in Deir Mimas, some ...
At Morava airfield, in the wider area of the town of Kraljevo, members of 98th Air Brigade are undergoing regular winter training on helicopters Mi-35 and Gama.