Defence system news
Period: 01.01.2016 - 13.03.2025
Category: Defence system news
Total number of records: 1356
A SAF infantry company is doing collective training in preparation for deployment to UNIFIL. The training is taking place at the South Base and at the Borovac Training Ground near Bujanovac.
The Guards MP Battalion personnel are being trained in using new SAF weaponry Lenco BearCat G3 armoured vehicles.
The Basic NCO Course Participants (20th class) who are being trained in commanding a group, team and section in the armoured units are currently doing their stationary camp at Oreac Training Ground ...
Since late last week, SAF members have been providing the residents of drought-stricken villages in Ljubovija Municipality with drinking water.
Members of the Army Engineer Battalion have installed a bridge over an archaeological excavation site at the top of the Hisar Hill in Prokuplje, thus creating conditions for the restoration of this ...