Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia



Period: 01.01.2016 - 29.09.2024

Total number of records: 7919

17 Jul 2022
Statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Nebojša Stefanović, PhD:  
17 Jul 2022
According to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, who has held a press conference at the Central Military Club today, the Antonov An-12 owned by a Ukrainian airline, which crashed ...
16 Jul 2022
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has invited young people to apply for students’ scholarships granted by the Ministry of Defence. According to him, the students would receive ...
16 Jul 2022
Today, on the occasion of the 164th anniversary of the birth of the famous Serbian military leader Petar Bojović, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, said that our ...
15 Jul 2022
The "Serbian Shield" tactical exercise has been conducted this week at the South Base and at the Borovac training ground near Bujanovac, where the readiness of the force protection platoon to be deployed to ...