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153rd issue of Odbrana brings to you
Ministers of Defense of Serbia and Italy Dragan Sutanovac and Paolo Di Gianpaolo met in Rome on joint participation of Italian and Serbian forces in peacekeeping missions of the EU and UN, as well as the defense industries of the two countries in the markets of Africa, Asia, the Far East. In a closing ceremony marking the day of St. Sava with the sounds of Serbian music, Minister Sutanovac closed a successful and well attended event "A month of Serbian culture in Rome."

All medical equipment at the Military Hospital in Nis will be available to all citizens, not just the military, which is a big step forward in the reform being implemented in the defense system, as Sutanovac said on the occasion of the EU 150,000 euro worth of donations.
Serbian Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Ljubisa Dikovic participated in the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Military Committee in Brussels, on 18 and 19 January.
Ambassadors and DAs visited the Defence Military Technical Institute. All projects and institutions are run primarily for the needs of defense and the Army of Serbia and then in third markets, making the visits of foreign diplomats and military attaches the utmost importance.
The highest level of training in the defense establishment, the High security and defense studies, includes preventive, efficient access to jobs and interdepartmental security and defense, in response to new political and security environment, the changing nature of social and security issues and a growing number of political and security challenges, Sutanovac said at the opening of the study.
Marking the Day of the Media Center "Defense" - 24 in January when during the ceremony traditional journalist and sports awards for the best athlete. The year behind us was marked by a high presence of our military in public. A little less than a thousand articles that we published as part of our issues, especially in "defense", were forwarded to the media, saying that we have adequate and timely information, and the day we have more than six thousand visitors to the website of our Ministry and the military, said the Minister Sutanovac in the House of the Serbian Army.
Professional member of the River Flotilla of Serbian Armed Forces of Novi Sad Branislav Jankovic won the fourteenth swimming competition for St John’s Cross in Ada Ciganlija in Belgrade.
Brigadier General Dusan Stojanovic, commander of the Second Brigade who received the plaque for the noblest collective deed of the year in a traditional action "Vecernje Novosti" awarded to this unit passed was handed to all officers, soldiers and civilians. It has an important place in the premises of the command of the Brigade as a testimony of high awareness, humanity, competence and willingness of members of the unit to help, protect and represent themselves with dignity, and the Army unit.
The broadcasting of the TV series "Military Academy" started. Series should demystify one institution in our society that has existed for 163 years, which in recent years has become something completely new, a contemporary and modern army.
Heavy snowfall nearly brought many difficulties to residents of municipalities in western and southern Serbia. While there is almost no snow in the north of the Sava and the Danube, in the western and southern regions the snow has reached a height of one to two meters, and high winds make snowdrifts several feet. The Army is actively assisting the residents of that area in clearing the snow.
Military Veterinary Service carries out tasks related to food quality and safety, health and animal welfare, reproduction, breeding and training dogs, military training and education of veterinary staff and training guide dogs.
In the units of River Flotilla there are three pairs of identical twins who are apart from physical appearance, share the love for uniforms and the military calling, work and life on the river, searching for the challenges and the desire to prove themselves and progress.
A new plane for the Army - "Seneca V" landed on Batajnica air field. Investment worth 2.7 million euros will enable the collection and analysis of geospatial data in digital form in accordance with contemporary standards of the European Union.
Serbia, as a significant exporter of arms and military equipment in South Eastern Europe, the consistent application of the "Law on Foreign Trade in Arms, Military Equipment and Dual-Use" established a strong and transparent system of civilian control, which, at the same time, actively participate in international export control system and strengthening confidence in the region.
After futile attempts to summon help, Jovan Banjanin dragged the driver by himself from a smashed cabin of a truck and without waiting for an ambulance, drove him to the nearest hospital.
When she suggested that women should participate in the promotional videos of the Serbian army - "Be professional" actress Jelena Jovicic she never dreamed she would take the lead. She bravely played the roll of a military emergency physician in almost two-minute of video, as a truly professional military officer.
In a special supplement in this issue, "ODBRANA" the topic will be the Center for Simulation and Learning at the Military Academy.
"ODBRANA" can be purchased at kiosks "PRESS" and "FUTURA PLUS" and the "military book" in Vasina 22 in Belgrade, at a price of 100 RSD
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