Anniversary of death of Field Marshal Zivojin Misic
Field Marshal Zivojin Misic participated in all Serbian wars from 1876 to 1918. He directly commanded the 1st Serbian Army in the Battle of Kolubara and in breach of the Thessaloniki Front he was the Chief of the Supreme Command. He taught strategy at the Military Academy in Belgrade. He published numerous reviews in the field of strategy in the Serbian Army and Warrior, the magazines he edited. He compiled his lectures to the Military Academy cadets in his book “The Strategy”, which was immediately included in the obligatory literature of the officers’ corps. At the very beginning of his 40-years-long service, as a cadet of the Artillery School, he participated in two liberation wars against Turkey (1876 and 1877-1878). In those wars he was the commander of Kolubara battalion of Valjevo brigade 2nd class and acquired the first war experience. During the battle of Kolubara, Misic was assigned the command of the 1st Army. This was one of the greatest battles in the Serbian history and Misic was promoted to the rank of field marshal. Misic was buried at New cemetery in Belgrade with the highest civil and military honours and his monument was uncovered on 3rd December 1922.